Cash flow and capital appreciation are some of the top reasons that investors decide to purchase multiple properties. After you consider your loan payment and operating expenses, the money you bring in from rentals can be a great source of income. And it gets better over time, too.
Rental property investing is the preferred investment strategy for investors who want an additional source of monthly income along with a slow but steady appreciation in the value of their portfolio. When it comes to residential real estate, there are two main types of properties that one can invest in: single-family and multi-family.

Much like stocks, real estate investing allows for one to be successful through several different strategies. One of the most popular ways to invest in real estate is to own a collection of rental properties. Properties that only have one residential rental unit are commonly referred to as single-family properties, while apartment complexes that have multiple rental units are known as multi-family properties.
Other real estate investors have also made millions of dollars from house flipping or purchasing properties that are in disrepair for cents on the dollar and renovating them to later sell them to a new owner.
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